BOGO BONUS – Enroll in 1 SAT Test Prep Course, and receive the ACT at 1/2 off!

Group Discount Rate when registering together*

  • $30 off per person for 2 students
  • $50 off per person for 3-4 students
  • $100 off per student for 5+ students​

*Call for group registrations to receive discount!

6 Week Test Prep Sessions for the

Taking College Entrance Exams is a right of passage and a part of every student’s journey as they begin preparations for college admissions. Join us as we work through every section of the exam, guiding our students through proven test-taking strategies to ensure their success. In addition, students will simulate the length and construct of the exam with consecutive Saturday sessions leading up to the actual test date!

24 Total Instructional hours inclusive of…

Who We Are What We Do How We Do It
Expert Instructors Small Group Learning Diagnostics
Top 5% Instructor Test Ranking In Depth Explanations Personalized Instruction
500+ hours of Experienced Instruction Counseling, Advice & Critical Insights Concentrated Focus on Areas of Weakness
Ongoing Test Prep Training Use of College Board & ACT Texts Timed Coaching & Intermittent Testing
Hybrid Classes held Saturdays from 8am – 12pm & Tuesday/Thursday from 5pm – 7pm.

Register for SAT Prep Course Register for ACT Prep Course


Hybrid Test Prep Now Available via the Zoom platform

Everything you would expect from the In-Class sessions are now available to work on from both the comforts of home and in the center. Students meet in nightly online sessions to build discipline and mental stamina, crucial for high-stakes testing. All classes begin with a Math Diagnostic and end with a Practice Test to measure both overall performance and concept retention. Active student participation is required, and homework may be assigned accordingly. As we work collaboratively toward a common goal, what results is an improved test-taking attitude and a strong desire to strive for excellence.


Useful Links/Resources

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Actual SAT Test Dates & Registration

Actual ACT Test Dates & Registration